Friday, June 22, 2012

Some useful extensions for Gmail

Some useful extensions for Gmail

This was a very good read and I myself will be trying out a few of them this week. I think this will be extremely helpful in helping me generate lists and also keep on track with all that I have to complete.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

IGI Global: Call for Chapter Details

IGI Global: Call for Chapter Details

So I am really thinking I have something to offer to this Handbook but alas I am wondering if I should really commit myself to attempting another publication in the next few months. But hey deadlines are always great and I seem to do so much better when I have a few close together.

So I think I am going to work on a proposal and get it submitted by June 30th.

Hopefully I will get accepted. My topic will be on post secondary transition programs for students with intellectual disabilities.  I intend to focus on best practices learned from the first year of a new program through a community partnership at a urban public university in the U.S.

So there it is another publication idea is born and I am going to begin working on it on Friday.

Good luck Keisha :)

Dissertation proposal, conference proposal, publications

Picture of me sitting in the library writing this blog
writing this entry from the library at FIU - BBC
So this week my goal is to get my chapter 3 completed and boy oh boy is everything else getting in the way of that progress.

This morning I also tried to go through email and well that reminded me that I needed to decide what conferences I was submitting proposals to....Well I have decided that I am submitting to at least 5 conferences this year and yes if I get accepted then I will attend.
2. AAACE - already submitted
5. FIU COE-GSN conference

Wow I figured this has to be the year of productivity and I am ceasing the opportunity to make it just that.

I am also going to turn those papers or presentations into papers by the end of 2013....
Current publications ideas include:
1. Case Study: Female Jamaican Immigrants and their Experiences with Conflict in the U.S. Workplace
2. Conflict in the Workplace: Technology and Conflict Management
3. Social Axioms: What HRD Professionals should know
4. Examining the link between Job Satisfaction and Job Performance

Then I also have two book reviews that need to be completed hopefully by December. One is actually due in July.

So yes as you can imagine I have a busy month ahead of me and I am up for the challenge.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

CVs trip transaction 1 6/15

So the deal was awesome and it was also my first trip in which I actually paid $22.92 for $110.00 worth of stuff.  So as you know the coupon machine was giving 10 off 30 for Gillette products last week so 3 of those and one 5 off 20 coupon, some coupons for the p& g saver.from earlier this month and last month..and I got all these plus I got 7.00 back in ecb really all these only cost me $15.92

Planned day of writing ...cancelled

So todays goal was to leave at 9 & find somewhere to write....maybe finish my chapter 2 edits. Alas this has not happened. Instead I cleaned tge closet out in my sons room and started getting things together for our upcoming trip to Jamaica.

Yeah we are heading to Jamaica for a month...hopefully I will be able to get two solid Weeks of writing out of that trip.

Anyway, I really need to go start dinner....and get some more laundry done.

p.s this is my first blog entry from my phone.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Save on Dole Smoothie Shakers!

So this is my first post on my couponing! This past week I did good saving at CVS so this post is about my first go at Publix.

To get this deal you need:
1. The Summer Savings Coupon Book from Publix 
2. Go into Publix and in the freezer section there are coupons for the Dole Shakers above (you need 2 for the deal)

So here is what it will break down for...
- $1.99 each
- Coupon from Summer Savings Book (front page) - Save $1.99 on 2
- Use 2 of the manufactures coupon (.55 cents each)

This means you will pay .45 cents for each.

I say stock up if you can this is an awesome the drinks are only 90 calories each.